Réunions du Réseau
CR réunions du réseau - Brasil
18 Avril 2019
CR réunions du réseau - Paris
19 Juillet 2017
Notes from the International Network meeting-Lyon
9 Avril 2016
CR réunions du réseau - Lyon
7 Avril 2016
CR réunions du réseau - Istanbul
17 Juillet 2014
CR réunions du réseau - Buenos
27 Aour 2012
CR réunions du réseau - Sicile
8 Mai 2010
CR réunions du réseau - Leuwen
23 Juillet 2008
CR réunions du réseau - Istanbul
19 janvier 2007
Notes from the international network meeting
Projective Methodes and Psychoanalysis
-Réseau MPP-
Members of the Network have gathered in large numbers at the University of Lyon 2 for the Network’s Colloquium on the following 2014 theme: ‘Body issues: clinical and epistemology study’
The Network coordinators, Catherine Azoulay and Jean-Yves Chagnon, would like to warmly thank Magali Ravit and Anne Brun and all their colleagues from Lyon for their friendly welcome at the University of Lyon 2. The coordinators also sincerely thank Professor Mahmoud Benkhelifa from the University of Alger who kindly agreed to lead the Colloquium while allowing Algerian Projectivist colleagues to participate in the Network and in various papers.
It is worth recalling the context in which this colloquium was put into place.
In 2014, as part of the IRS Congress in Istanbul, a number of themes were put forward and the issue of the body was finally chosen. At this time, Professor M. Benkhelifa from the University of Alger offered to host the Network’s Colloquium in Alger. While recognizing the great generosity of this offer, we decided that for security matters, it was preferable to host the colloquium in another location. Our colleagues from Lyon offered to host the Colloquium in Lyon and Pr. Benkhelifa was therefore naturally appointed as the Honorary Chairman of the Colloquium.
The agenda is as follows:
1. Operations of the Network
- Reminder of the conditions of admission:
We remind that the conditions of admission into the Network are as follows:
à To be a certified clinical psychologist
à To be involved at the university level (Lecturer-researcher, Lecturer in projective methodology, doctoral student)
à To Participate in at least one research related to projective methods
à To Be sponsored by another member of the Network
à Fill in the Member form, which should be requested and sent to the delegate of the applicant’s country of origin. The latter will verify the possibility for the candidate to join the Network and will then send the Applicant’s form to the two coordinators who will finalize the admission process.
- Number of members, number of countries
As of 4/7/2016:
142 members in the full list (48 in 2007, 89 in 2014)
125 (in the Yahoo group: online communication group created by T. Ikiz which allows emailing between members)
103 new forms posted on the website
Note: some colleagues are not part of the Yahoo group
Catherine Azoulay can provide the list of the people registered on the Yahoo group to the delegates who ask for it.
14 countries are represented: Algeria (10), England (1), Argentina (12 according to the last count), Italy (10), Belgium (6), Brazil (9 so far + 7 to come), Canada (2), France (68), Lebanon (2), Portugal (1), Switzerland (6), Turkey (8) and the latest newcomers Togo (6) and Greece (1) = 142
Details: We are happy to announce that in the last few months, we have welcomed a great number of new colleagues (about 50) coming from Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Portugal, Switzerland, Togo and Turkey. We would like to welcome all of them into the Network.
- Updating the forms for the website:
We are waiting to receive the new forms from a few colleagues (including 17 French/68), which will be posted on the Network’s website (and will be available not only to the members of the Network but to everyone – please be aware not to share sensitive information: personal information about yourself or a third party)
- Names of the delegates for each country: 11 delegates for 14 countries
- Algeria: Mahmoud Benkhelifa
- Argentina: Silvia Fregonese
- Belgium: Simon Flémal
- Brazil: Abigail De Souza
- Canada: Mariette Lepage
- France: Joelle Lighezzolo
- Greece: Elina Kardara
- Italy: Tiziana Sola
- Switzerland: Vincent Quartier
- Togo: Jean-Paul Lawson
- Turkey: Tevfika Ikiz
We thank all current delegates for their involvement and wish to call upon the delegation of the remaining 3 countries: England, Lebanon, Portugal.
Details: at the time of the finalization of this report, Thérèse Ward has agreed to represent Lebanon.
2. Site: reseaumpp.org
The website of the Network was launched a few weeks ago. Based on the first website and designed by Tevfika Ikiz, its aim is to encourage international scientific exchanges between members through the provision of a number of information such as the individual form or the most recent news of the Network.
C. Azoulay, who has taken over the coordination tasks, explains the use of the Network and emphasizes a few important aspects:
– Upon request of the website designer, the name of the Network has been simplified and now becomes:
International Network of Research: projective methods and psychoanalysis
With the following ‘signature’ on the website: International university group of projective clinical psychologists of psychoanalytic orientation.
- The website offers three different language reads (English, French, Spanish) that we must keep on expanding and allows a cross-check of various data: members/countries/research themes. It aims at keeping people informed about the Network (notably on the theme and organization of the next colloquium), about the members’ updates (publications, scientific events in relation to projective methods, specific announcements…) and about specific events in relation to one country’s Society or to the IRS. Ex: The 2017 IRS Congress in Paris.
- The website can then be used as a platform for the exchange of information between members in order to facilitate the implementation of national and international collaborations for research on and with projective methods. It can therefore contribute to the diffusion of scientific knowledge about projective methods studied within the psychoanalytic perspective.
3. The 2017 Congress in Paris:
Benoit Verdon, the president of the Rorschach Society and French-language projective methods, says a few words about the next IRS Congress that will be held in Paris from July 17th 2017 to July 21st 2017.
The call for papers for the Congress opened in late April and it is now possible to submit a summary on the website: www.rorschachparis2017.org
Registration for the Congress will be open in September 2016.
We hope that many of the Network’s members will come for this event in our beautiful city.
4. Researches of the Network
à The 10-year-old child today Coordinated by Pr Jean-Yves CHAGNON
This research proposed in 2008 was carried out during the following years in Italy (T. Sola), Turkey (N. Zabci) and France (J-Y Chagnon, J. Croas, C. Weismann-Arcache). The protocol is now available through J-Y Chagnon (chagnon@univ-paris13.fr) and it will soon be posted in the new ‘Research’ section of the Network’s website. This research has led to two round tables at the MPP Network’s colloquiums in Buenos Aires in 2012 and then at the IRS colloquium in Istanbul in 2014. The results in these three countries are now under publication and a fourth country, Brazil, will adopt the same protocol. An intercultural comparison is also planned.
à The obese adolescent and his family: a cultural study in Turkey and France, coordinated by Pr T. IKIZ (Istanbul) and S. ALMUDENA (France, Besançon)
à In preparation: The representation of time in different cultures, coordinated by Pr C. AZOULAY (France, Paris Descartes) and M.C. PHEULPIN (France, Paris 13).
5. (Previous and) upcoming Colloquiums of the Network
1st Colloquium: January 2007: Istanbul
2nd Colloquium: May 2009: Messine
3nd Colloquium: August 2012: Buenos Aires
4th Colloquium: April 2016: Lyon
5th Colloquium: Early 2019? : Theme?
The choice of location, date and theme of the next colloquium will be determined during the next Network meeting, which will be held on the occasion of the IRS Congress in July 2017. We invite our colleagues to start reflecting on these questions starting now.
As a reminder, the other themes proposed in Buenos Aires were the following: Acting out; Appreciation of psychotherapies; Norms and clinical study of normality ; Epistemology of projective methods (situation, process, interpretation).
6. In memory of Etel de Kacero
Our Argentinian colleague left us in 2015 and we naturally wanted to pay her a tribute especially as she was particularly passionate about the Rorschach and projective methods and contributed to advance thinking on these methods, notably on the issues of space and time. We would like to warmly thank Silvia Fregonese who agreed to talk about her, her life and her work so that we do not forget her.
End of the meeting:
After some discussions about the possibility of international collaborations for future research, especially for the next 2017 Paris Congress, this meeting is now coming to its end. We will therefore see all members of the Network in July 2017 for our next meeting with the aim of finding the location, the date and theme of the next colloquium as well as the new coordinator.
We will see you all very soon,
With all our affection,
Catherine Azoulay and Jean-Yves Chagnon.